100% Egyptian extra-long staple cotton[GIZA Club®︎]
GIZA Club®︎ is world-class quality bed linen made in Japan, produced at Hatly Textile's factory by weaving of yarn specially spun out of Egyptian extra-long staple cotton, processing, dyeing, finishing and sewing.
Giza Club®︎ is the trademark registered by Hatly textile for bed linens, table linens, bath linens and room lines that are produced using only extra-long staple Giza cotton, which is grown in the Nile river valley in Egypt. Giza Club®︎ linens are produced in Japan from weaving Egyptian extra-long staple cotton yarn till sewing. In addition to the top quality of the yarn, grace of the finished products and durability to washing are pursued to provide the best hotel lines by carefully optimizing the spinning conditions, the weaving pattern and the processing conditions.
Characteristics of GIZA Club®︎
Durability to washing
Egyptian extra-long staple cotton is suitable for spinning thin and strong yarn because longer fibers have larger contact area between the fibers. GIZA Club®︎ sheets did not show decrease of the tensile strength even after 200 repetition of industrial washing.
Elegant luster and
soft hand feeling
Elegant silky luster, smoothness and soft hand feeling, good drapability is attained by optimizing spinning, weaving, processing processes.
Low yarn hairness
Spun yarn out of staple fibers like cotton forms yarn hairness, which is one end of the fiber protruding from the main body of the yarn. This yarn hairness is reduced by singeing of the fabric. Compact yarn is used to prevent yarn hairness formation by repeated washing.
Characteristics of Egyptian cotton

Egyptian cotton is mostly categorized as long staple fiber (fiber length: 29~32 mm) or extra-long staple fiber (>35 mm), and such thin and long fibers are suitable for spinning thin and soft yarn because high twist is not needed to attain sufficient strength.
Egyptian cotton has been globally admired as high-quality cotton with high luster, strength and durability, and it is the best cotton to produce lustrous, soft and durable linens.